Books of Roger Babson
Roger Babson had many careers and interests, including being a columnist and speaker. A prolific writer who published more than 50 books, he wrote about a wide range of subjects, from the fundamentals of business, to a tourist’s guide of Cape Ann, to the importance of religion in daily life.
The Babson College Archives has produced a biographical sketch of Roger Babson. Most of his books are available in the Babson Collection, housed on the second floor of the Horn Library.
Actions and Reactions
HA23.B3 A3 1950. Babson Collection.
In 1935, at the age of 60, Mr. Babson wrote his autobiography. In this volume he describes his life and work and summarizes his personal philosophy. Fifteen years later he revised the book by adding chapters that take the reader to his 74th year. This is the basic resource for information on Mr. Babson. The Babson College Archives has made this revised edition available through the following links. The first link includes the title page, table of contents, preface, and index. The chapters follow, grouped in threes. There are illustrations at the end.
Chapters 34–35 and Addenda (pdf)
Illustrations Pages 7–13 (pdf)
Roger W. Babson, A Reminiscence
HA23.B3 K4X. Stacks and Reserve.
Roger W. Babson is fondly remembered by friends Paul B. Kenyon and Philip S. Weld in this slender 1982 volume.
His Major Contemporaries
HB3730.G5. Stacks.
Roger Babson’s forecasting methodology is examined in the context of the work of other analysts of his day in former Babson accounting professor Horace Given’s 1975 New York University PhD dissertation.
Yankee Genius: A Biography
HB3730 .S5 1954. Stacks.
Longtime Babson associate, and Babson Institute graduate, Earl Smith edited Mr. Babson’s autobiography to produce this 1954 volume.
Roger Babson and the Church
BX7260.B115 S5 1940. Babson Collection.
Roger Babson’s experiences as a national church moderator are discussed in Harry Shumway’s book.
Easy Street
Easy Street (pdf)
HF5386.B18 1930 Babson Collection
Mr. Babson shares a story of a man and his road to “Easy Street.” Available both in the Babson Collection and as a PDF.
Cheer Up!
Cheer Up! (pdf)
HB3711.B3 1932. Babson Collection.
Roger Babson’s thoughts during the depths of the Great Depression are available in the Babson Collection or by PDF.